Holy Family Academy students participate each year in the J. Ulysse Cormier School Government Program with a number of activities that provide them the opportunity to learn about the function of government on both a local and state level.
This Civics program is made possible with the cooperation of the various City Departments, the Fire Department, the Police Department, Mayor, the City Council, Judge, and the Superintendent of the North Central Correctional Institution. Their staffs help make this a unique experience for the students.
The program at the school is under the direction of Principal, Headmaster and Pastor.
The Students participate in the following and other activities:
· Workshops on how local governments work.
· A mock City Council meeting held by student councilors elected by their peers.
· An Assembly with State and Local Officials at the Holy Rosary Church Hall.
· Visits by students elected as various government officials with their real life counterparts at City Hall, NCCI, the Police Dept., the Fire Dept., and the Gardner Court House.
The purpose of this program is to introduce the students to the importance of civic engagement with the hope that they grow to be involved citizens in the future.