Holy Family offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, including Skiing and Snowboarding, Chorus, Musical and Drama productions, and competitive Basketball. Clubs vary year to year based on student interest in a variety of areas. In addition, many of our students participate in Student Council.
The HFA Student Council works to provide fun activities for all students throughout the year. The Council has organized dances for grades 6-8, movie matinees for grades 2-6, a school-wide pancake breakfast, and a variety of other events. They also run service projects such as food drives for the St. Vincent de Paul Society food pantry.
When school begins in September, any student in the grades 5-8 who wish to be on the Student Council gives his/her name to the teacher. A few days later, each student who wishes to be on the Student Council gives a speech to his/her class telling why he/she would be a good representative for the class. After that, voting takes place. Each class chooses 3 students to represent them. Once elected, Student Council members meet every other week to plan events for the school.
Children in our parish community can sign up for Holy Family Academy sports, clubs, and activities. Attending Holy Family Academy is NOT REQUIRED!
Address questions to Principal Goguen colettegoguen@holyfamilyacademyma.orgIn drama club, we provide artistic performance training in acting for the stage. Students participate in both solo and group acting. Drama club also provides opportunities for those interested in participating behind the scenes as stage crew.
In chorus, we develop our students’ abilities to harmonize with other voices as well as focus on expanding each student’s individual vocal range. Students learn to sight read sheet music and confidently sing in front of an audience.
Holy Family Drama is an extracurricular program run by Craig & Tara Cormier. They took over the program in 2008 when their oldest son started kindergarten and there was a need for someone to run the spring musical. Craig has a background in musical theatre, both performing and directing, while Tara manages most other aspects of the productions.
The program is open to students in grades K-8 and runs from January to May each year. All students who wish to be involved are, whether it be acting or behind the scenes working stage crew.
The program utilizes Music Theatre International (MTI) show kits, and past productions have been 101 Dalmatians Kids, The Jungle Book Kids, Aladdin Kids, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Kids, Annie Jr., Mulan Jr., Peter Pan Jr., Shrek Jr., The Lion King, Jr., Beauty and the Beast Jr., and most recently Alice in Wonderland Jr. The 2020 production of Frozen Jr., which the students were already working on, has been put on hold, and will be postponed until it is safe to return to a live theatre experience.
All children are welcome to be part of the show, and auditions for principal parts are held in December. Rehearsals are twice weekly on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons in the church hall. Productions were held here as well until 2014, when they were moved to the Gardner High Auditorium. In 2017, HFA was fortunate enough to be invited to perform on the professional level stage of Mount Wachusett Community College and has performed there each year since.
The program typically has anywhere between 35-50 students participating each year, and is both a learning experience for any student interested in musical theatre, as well as a fun way to showcase their talents.
Any questions about this program can be directed to Craig Cormier at ccormier@comcast.net or Tara Cormier at tmasingo@hotmail.com
Under the direction of Dr. John Worden IV, Holy Family Academy Chess Club saw its inception several years ago at Sacred Heart School. It included students from both Sacred Heart School and Holy Rosary School until they merged to become Holy Family Academy. At times students from other schools have been involved as well.
The club meets once a month in the church hall and includes students from grades K-8. Students are instructed in the basics of chess and learn basic tactics and strategy through lessons, games and puzzles. The club holds a tournament every year which is open to all local schools and is an event enjoyed by up to 40 student competitors.
Open to ALL GIRLS in grades 6-8.
The challenges facing middle school girls today are significant - Girls on the Run (Heart and Sole) will prepare their heart, spirit, body, brain, and social self to be ready for the world ahead.
The Middle School program serves girls in grades 6 through 8 and will begin in the Fall. Visit our website for more information!