With over 100 years of academic excellence, Holy Family Academy is the premier Catholic School in Gardner, Massachusetts that has been forged through uniting two great schools, Holy Rosary and Sacred Heart. Holy Family Academy provides quality, affordable education for grades Pre-K through 8. We are a community rooted in Christian faith and values which fosters a safe, secure environment for our children to grow spiritually, academically, and morally. The combination of Gospel values, a strong curriculum, and a familial ethos allows our students to develop as whole persons in mind, body and spirit.
Holy Family Academy is fully accredited and provides a well-rounded, challenging liberal arts core curriculum which includes Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Religion, French and Spanish. Our curriculum also includes “specials,” including Art, Music, Drama, Computer Training, and Physical Education. In an effort to meet the broad spectrum of educational needs of our students, full time Title I services are also offered. In addition to traditional methods of instruction, Holy Family Academy utilizes technology, including IPads and SMART Boards, to enhance student learning and growth. Most classes are highly interactive, many project-oriented, and the upper school classes often include a Socratic approach to learning, wherein there is an even-flow of questions and answers by both teachers and students. These methods foster independent thinking, the ability to ask critical questions, and an integrated love for learning.
Our commitment to small class sizes and uncompromising teaching excellence allows students to receive individual attention and encourages academic success. Graduates from the Academy consistently receive honor roll status and often attend regional high schools, as well as Northfield Mount Hermon, Monty Tech, The Winchendon School, Cushing Academy and St. Bernard’s High School.
Our well supervised before and after school program is comprised of extra-help, social interaction between age groups, and good wholesome play. Private music instrument and voice lessons are available. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Daisy Scouts use the Academy for den meetings.